

It was great fun at the “Birdies for Boys & Girls” Golf Tournament organized by Northern Star Generation. Our very own make it a point to keep giving back to the community. To see what upcoming events we have next visit our website.

Safety Monday!

Whether in an office or at a jobsite, having a clean workspace will positively impact your job satisfaction and keep you and your coworkers free from potential hazards. A messy workspace could create trip and fall hazards, or potentially hide other workplace hazards. At PSG, we properly train and educate our employees to help everyone understand the latest safety procedures and importance of maintaining a safe working environment.

Visit our website for more safety tips.

Safety Monday!

Happy Safety Monday!

Safety tip of the day: Think your work through. Even if you have done today’s job a hundred times, plan your work, and communicate what you are working on and where you are working.

Therefore, Power services Group is proud to say that we have a 100% safe work environment.

Visit our website for more upcoming safety and training tips!

#safetymonday #PSG #powerservicesgroup